2015, 10´24´´, single channel video Installation, 5.1 surround sound, continuous loop, The Netherlands
“Formation” is a video Installation that deals with the power a mass can unfold. It shows the alternating dynamics between the mass and the individual- and how they influence each other on the verge between exhaustion, adrenaline and transformation.
“Formation” shows a mass of people in an undefined space in a continuous circular movement. The movement of people slowly accelerates and develops until it pushes its own boundaries. The mass emerges with a dynamic that sucks in every individual- the friction and struggle between the individual and the mass becomes visible. However the dynamic of the individuals creating the mass also becomes visible. These dynamics alternate and push each other, until the mass expands and we lose all boundaries and grip. Through the repetitive movement, the viewer is sucked into a physical experience – where questions are posed like: How far do I push my own boundaries? How far do I go for my fellow people? What happens if men strips himself of all conventions through exhaustion or adrenaline? How does that change our movement and (inter)action towards each other?
Arnhemse Uit Nacht, 26-28.01. 2018, Arnhem, NL
Lantaren Venster Cinema, Rotterdams Open Doek Festival 17.-19.6.2016
Kaai Studios, 21.-27.3.2016, Brussels, BE
Rotterdam Contemporary Art Fair, Cruise Terminal Rotterdam, Feb. 2016
Between You and Me, Public Screen Koningsplein, Tilburg, Jan/Feb 2016
Athens Digital Arts Festival, May 2015
LAPsody live art and performance Festival and Conference, May 2015, Helsinki, FI
Cinedans Filmfestival, Eye Filmmuseum, March 2015, Amsterdam, NL
Roodkapje Art Gallery, Winterwolven multi-disciplinary performance festival, Jan. 2015, Rotterdam, NL
Kino Bosna Art Space, Sarajevo, March 2014
This adaptation was made possible by the Theatre Collective Schwalbe.
Concept and performed by:
Christina Flick, Melih Gençboyaci, Marie Groothof, Floor van Leeuwen, Kimmy Ligtvoet, Ariadna Rubio Lleó, Daan Simons
Core group:
Jose Arnedo, Hüseyin Badilli, Sue-Ann Bel, Merel van den Berge, Gina Beuk, Lennart Blom, Bella Bouman, Margreet Bruining-Lindeijer, Suzanne Dankers, Philomeen Doolaard, Felix Feenstra, Angelika Geronymaki, Wil Hendriks, Brigitte Hoeve, Roosmarijn Mascini, Henk van Osnabrugge, Petra Roelfzema, Omar Sanchez Lopez, Els Schotman, Ytze van der Sluis, Samuel van der Spek, Rick van der Steen, Cristel Stolk, Marjan Tuk, Tiffany Vicario, Petra Visser, Jan Voorwinden, Pien van Welbergen-Danen, Vera Whistler, Vincent van Woerkom and many more.